Here is the dreamer. One who created and played with the pen and the keys of a world soon unmade. She remembers the wind, water, earth and flame. She loved even shadows but knew naught of hate. With a heart too soft and a strength unseen, she loved the world and she lived a dream.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Broken Bracelet

24. Remember that beautiful crystal bracelet you gave me on my birthday 5 years ago? Your precious first gift to me? Now that was indeed a memorable event five years ago. Yes, that bracelet was the one I cherished and wore almost everyday to the point the lock broke and all the beautiful beads, to my absolute horror, scattered all over the dirty comfort room floor as I was brushing my hair in front of the mirror. When it happened, I felt cold panic sweep over my body as if someone splashed icy water all over me. What were you going to say? You were waiting for me outside the door, and I shuddered at the thought of telling you. I gathered what beads I could find and then, teary- eyed, went out and told you what happened and how sorry I was for being so careless, so thoughtless. I shouldn't have worn them too much. I should have taken better care of them since they were so expensive and all. But, seeing the look on my face, that I was crying, instead of getting angry, you shook your head and said it was alright and said that you simply couldn't stand it when I cried for something such as that. You brushed me gently aside and went inside the girl's bathroom. Eyes wide in surprise, I watched you as you went on your hands and knees, and started gathering the beads that were left. You gathered the very last pieces you could find. Even from behind and around the stinky toilets. You found a small container and placed all the beads, strap and lock piece. You told me that you'd fix it and told me not to worry so much. About a month later they were returned to me good as new, though a few beads were missing. The lock was replaced and the beads were threaded using nylon. Whole again though not perfect. I was so very very glad. And such is my heart, every time you come around and fix it. 

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